Day what?! I can't believe I'm at nearly a month of this! Time certainly flies.
For breakfast I enjoyed my oatmeal with apples, dates, and cinnamon. I absolutely love this breakfast, and will continue having it even after I stop writing! :)
Lunch was rushed with leftover quinoa-lentil-bean salad, avocado, and an OD of plantain. I started out with the three slices you see there. It quickly doubled and then some! These pan fried plantains are definitely only good when they are fully, FULLY, blackened/ripe on the peel. The texture must be softer to the touch, and when you smell them, they have to be sweet. How do I know this? I bought some more plantains today, they were slightly green on the outside peel, but most of it was yellow/blackened. Apparently that's not good enough! After pan frying them, I bit into one, and noticed it was NOT sweet. Rather dry. And unfortunately flavourless. Will have to wait for the remainder to ripen fully!
Dinner today was way too late, so I wanted to keep it simple. I just boiled some sweet potato and mashed them, steamed some broccoli and had some lentils. Filling, easy, and naturally full of flavour and nutrition! Great end to the day.
I definitely snacked today! I was out of the house majority of the day and took with me tons of grapes, berries, an apple and plenty of water.
I must admit I'm a bit sad that my thirty days are nearly up! I'll certainly continue blogging here and there, and of course if I invent new recipes. I wonder what foods I should make for the celebratory day tomorrow...I'm taking votes!

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