I had a delicious day today! Fresh food all around! And I did indeed complete grocery shopping today, as I seem to have a vegetable thief in the house...
For breakfast I prepared the vegan pumpkin french toast from day 19 with handfuls of grapes and blackberries, and my favourite thing - apple butter! I also had a giant mug of peppermint rose fennel tea.
Lunch included the quinoa pasta from yesterday, and a large avocado. I definitely missed my avocados as I have been out for a few days! So refreshing.
And for dinner I made a quinoa-bean-lentil salad. It's a cold salad, so I just added cucumbers, olives, sugar snap peas and some EVOO with salt and basil for seasoning. Super flavourful all on its own, and packed with nutrition.
I snacked on carob cookies and more fruit today. Not much snacking happening!
Apparently I'm still having cravings for certain foods! Thought I kicked the habit. I was watching the Food Network earlier and there was a Mexican food challenge. I have always loved Mexican foods, so sure enough, I felt like I needed the deep fried cheesy goodness! Booooo. Good thing I didn't do anything about it! Score 1 - Sheryl.

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