Today was leftovers day!
I love leftovers day for meals because it allows me the opportunity to bake things!
Breakfast today was granola with quinoa milk and a GIANT container of berries and grapes. Seriously, it was massive. And 2 cups of peppermint tea.
Lunch, I was away from home so I made sure to pack quinoa bean salad, grapes and carob cookies.
And for dinner I had rice pasta with the stir-fry from last night, avocado and a bit of hummus. Super filling and nutritious!
I didn't snack much today BUT I think I had nearly 3L of water! That was snack enough!
As I mentioned, leftover days mean BAKING!
I baked an oat bread - it is SUPER YUMMY. I share the recipe below (similar to the Quinoa Bread from day 17). Very few ingredients and prep time, just the baking and cooling is time consuming.
ALSO! My quinoa-oat-carob cookies seem to have gone missing again...this time, I know it wasn't the cookie monster - I have been sharing with friends! Seriously, these cookies are a super hit! So I pulled together yet another batch of these as well. I love how easy they are, and TASTY!
I realized today that I love talking about my elimination diet to people. Like, really, REALLY love it. And I love discovering new foods and assisting others to find new food too. I was at an event earlier and I think I may actually have convinced someone else to take on the same stance for food - with the no wheat, no dairy thing at least! Also, it helps me to continue doing this because so many kind words have come from people actually reading this YOU!

Oat Bread
1 1/2 cups oat flour
3/4 cup water
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp cinnamon
2 handfuls raisins
2 tsp chia seeds
5 tbsp water

Preheat oven to 375degrees. Mix the chia with the 5tbsp water in a little bowl, let it sit for 15 minutes to thicken. Combine the dry ingredients, make a well in the centre and add the wet ingredients (including chia mixture). Mix well. Bake in a greased and floured loaf pan (mine is 4"x7" approx) for 35 minutes. Turn oven off and let the bread sit in the cooling oven for 30 minutes. Pull from oven and let cool completely before removing from pan. Slice when completely cooled. Enjoy!

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