I was speaking to my sister about the diet over this past weekend, she mentioned how negative my attitude was when I was just starting out. And that she noticed a difference in my attitude once I began to figure out foods, experiment in the kitchen, and realize that, hey, this food ain't so bad!
Thirty days sure passed by fast!
So, how am I feeling?
Honestly, I feel fantastic. My energy levels are up, my skin is vibrant, I've lost 7lbs, and nearly 2inches off my waist. Mentally, I feel alert and active. Spiritually...well, that part I'm still figuring out! While I work-out/yoga 4-5x a week, and make time for those I love and things I love, I'm still not by any means "relaxed". Obviously, I think that's more of a state-of-mind rather than diet at this point!
What did I learn?
More about food! And foods that are available to us to substitute that which is modified, hormone induced, and chemically processed. Quinoa, I am so into! And even tonight I plan to make quinoa-onion rings - can you say YUM?! Fresh veggies, tons of fruit - all good! I also learned that your body functions perfectly well without wheat and dairy. Those are the killers. Not to mention refined sugar, and an overload of caffeine. And the importance of supplemental vitamins if you are not receiving your daily intake. More about my physical being and the way I process things! Each body is as different on the inside as it is on the outside!
Funniest things that have been said to me while on the diet?
"You don't know what 'real-food' tastes like."
"How can you go into this so 'blindly'?"
"So what do you eat? Air?"
"How are you living?!"
and "I could NEVER do that."
I think the last one is probably the best. Because I NEVER thought I could do this - especially with my love for cheese and deep-fried foods, and cookies. And I did! It's entirely possible.
So, what now?
Well! I continue the elimination diet as I have been, and gradually add back the fruits and/or veggies that had initially been cut out. We're not adding in the wheat or dairy at this point in time, nor do I know when that will happen. I continue to document how I am feeling, and if I experience any odd reactions to foods that are being added back in. I asked my ND if I could stay on this diet forever. She said she's heard that before! While it's a good diet to be on, the purpose of the process we are following is to find out what I am reacting negatively to. Also! What do I have in Cuba? I'll be there for a week all-inclusive in March...eating on the resort shouldn't be any issue as they'll have 24hr buffets with lots of fruit and vegetables. Off resort however, this may be an issue. I'll probably write another post after my return about this! What about alcohol? It's an all-inclusive after all! Gin. Gin is the best choice ;)

I suppose that's all for now! Feel free to continue to message me here, or on Facebook. I am always available to talk about food!

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